First on the list is over crowded times at the gym. Naturally during "rush hour" the gym is saturated with those 9-5ers and I strive not to work out with them but sometimes its the only time I can get my work out in so it's dealt with. Gyms generally tend to get very sloppy at this time; weights are misplaced, equipment becomes unavailable, and the locker room attendants are overwhelmed with the increase in towels and lack of cleanliness their required to tend to. This is something that cannot be changed as with rush hour traffic on the roads. If roads/gyms could simply be doubled this would assist in combating the immense rush of people encountered during pre/post work times but they more than likely will remain the same so I'll just say "it is what it is".
The second nuisance whilst improving my fitness is douche bags who think the gym and all its equipment is theirs to be available at any moments desire. This is most noticeable during "rush hour" times and really works as a benefit to my aggression fueled work outs because anytime I encounter these tools I wish to use the same force I'm using to push weights to smash in their faces but choose the responsible reaction and keep the force exclusive to my work out. Countless times while I'm in the middle of pushing through a set dudes have come up to me and started talking (as if I could hear them). I always work out with music through my headphones and can't hear any communication via gym goers so I have to stop my exercise, take my head phones off, and listen to the same question; "how many sets do you have left?". Go Fuck Yourself Asshole, just watch me if you're really that in need of the fucking machine don't disturb my work out and shit, since you're waiting- you wanna go grab me a protein bar or something(?).
Lastly, and this isn't a real big deal because everyone has their own reasoning for their actions that I'll never know but the guys in the locker room who are over paranoid that guys will see their naked bodies just bothers me ( yeah I'm the biggest homo out there, whatever). I was walking through the locker room and saw this dude with his pants around his knees and towel still around his waist. Obviously he didn't want anyone seeing his skin or deformed penis but I don't know, it just annoys me people are still at that level. When I was a fatty (as a kid) I remember at summer camp and during gym class the locker room caused such intense anxiety because I was self conscious of my fat ass body so I'm not going to be close minded about it I just acknowledge that in time you realize it doesn't matter and seeing grown men still at the point that I was at as a boy I guess deep down just makes me feel bad. As stated in the beginning of this rant though the gym is aggression filled so rather than showing empathy (deep down I do, I swear!) I just shake my head and when I'm out of sight I yell "nice cock pinocchio!". This is a double edged pet peeve though because on the other end of the spectrum I cannot stand the obese hairy older men who nonchalantly pace through the locker room fully nude.

I just feel that since I work out so much I'm entitled to a little bitch session....and maybe a cookie.