I found the post on craigslist and let out a sigh. One of those sighs where one knows this may not be the best decision to be taking on but that there's a small chance it could turn out OK. My email sent and after a few days I was notified that I was the only male model to be selected for the shoot. I inquired on the specifics as I was not willing to be a porn star just yet and the guy working on the shoot assured me it would at worst be a "sexy PG-13" shoot. The compensation was discussed and I was confirmed.
Fortunately the call time was 11 am and the location was simply one stop down the train from my stop so it couldn't be any easier to go to. Unfortunately it was the coldest day of the year and the shoot space was a warehouse converted to a music venue mostly for cabaret and small bands. I arrived to the spot and met the crew, saw some ladies who looked like they didn't belong in the cold weather, and then some other girls who were a bit more prepared with large winter coats and coffees in hand.
This shoot was unique from my others for the blatant reasons but also because while I was a model for the shoot I was only there as a filler. The main "attraction" was the three professional porn stars. So when I was there every guy on set was chatting it up with "the talent" as they liked to say and I was lounging on the couch listening to music unnoticed.
The girls from the area were referred to as "the hotties" and I was referred to as "the male hottie or Mottie" (they thought Mottie was a clever term). The porn stars were "the talent". There were also some cabaret girls, a sword swallowing girl who also played with fire, a mustache man, and a midget (short person?-PC??). Needless to say, the crew had their hands full. To make it worse, the building we were in was cold inside than outside so everyone was basically huddled around the heaters while not being summoned for make up or shooting.

The first scene was on the stage. On center stage was a well used red couch and a piano sat off to its side. When all positioned; the porn stars were on the couch, a chick hanging from the ceiling immediately behind them, the midget and mustache guy on piano, and me with the two hotties on the opposite side of the stage from the piano. "One fucked up family photo" was the goal of one of the guys running the show.
There were a few more random scenes but I was only used for 2 shots so I was pretty much warming myself by the heaters all day. Lunch was nice, grilled chicken salad with sushi. Before any food was provided more or less as soon as the shooting started the girls requested beverages. The director of the shoot comes back with three bags of drinks; about 6 bottles of wine, some champagne, and 2 6 packs of beer.
When I was allowed to leave I enjoyed a few beers, exchanged contact info with the photographer and some other folk, then got my check and bounced. All in all it was a good day. Really easy money despite the battle with frostbite all day. Now I can call myself a porn star .... and die a happy man.