Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shirtless bartender at the gay 5th ave party

Knock on wood, the work continues to pour in. Yesterday delivered quite the variety of events. It all started with the daily few hours at the gym which was nice. Put in a solid hour and a half on the stationary bike and banged out mad reps of low weights.

I've quenched my agencys thirst to have me increase my muscle which is honestly a satisfying feat. It's been said that once you've acquired the necessary muscle to drop the weights in half and increase the reps. I don't enjoy moderation so in between my shoulder exercises I do 100 curls of 10 pound weights for the biceps. I;m starting to thrive from that burn I get when i push myself. I;m never sore the next day though so I imagine its not too damaging.

The steam room enticed me before the shower and it was a pleasurable experience shower followed suit. With the work out completed I rewarded myself with an ounce and a half of almonds and a half water and half liquid protein mix-lovely. Then made my way to the other gym I'm fortunate enough to have access to and had a photo shoot for their marketing paraphernalia.

The make up artist, director of the shoot, and other "model" I was working with were all very gay and very lovely to work with. Next week I'll be working with them again for some new images to boost my book. Oh joy! I love networking in this city because it boosts my chances of meeting those random important or valuable people. After the shenannigans are the gym I wandered down 8th avenue to pick up a protein bar and then to my first casting.

The casting was for a jewelry designer who is shooting a video for television. Not so sure on the specifics but long story short they were selecting a male and female and I ended up being the selected male model. Earlier that day I emailed the agency-Big Boss-and asked if they had any castings for me. They emailed me the same info for the casting which I had found on my own for this jewelry designer. I figured by allowing the agency to take credit for it rather than my saying oh never mind I already found that, it would show them that I can actually book work and potentially make them want to push me for fashion week.

The other day I went to the agency and told my booker Florian that I "really really want to be in fashion week". He said that my book was too young and I needed more work done, I did not like this response. I moved to nyc just before last seasons fashion week and now its time to dive in head first. I've got one confirmed show for fashion week, presentation rather. I want more! So I gave Boss this shoot for a few reasons, secondly to see how they will be about paying me. It's all a game and I'm testing them.

So after the casting I made my way to the party where I was booked to be the shirtless bartender. When I enter the elevator and press the top button, floor 17, I wasn't sure what to expect when the doors opened. I found this gig through craigslist and it stated that they wanted a shirtless bartender for the gay party in a penthouse apartment. Was I going to see rainbow flags and guys prancing around in sailor outfits or was I to be kidnapped by men in black leather bondage gear and submitted to the underground sex slave world? The scenario was much more tame than my fears were amassing to. Orange pants, button down shirt, and that kind gay smile..."I'm Ron".

We went over how the drinks were to be served and how the host wished for the bar to look then waited for the guests to show. Most of the attendees were humorously interesting gays. One of my favorites was Andy the porn producer. "Gay porn, straight porn, and solo porn." was the intro to his pitch to get me to enlist. Nonchalantly throughout the night I could observe his desperation in breaking my "no"s to his enlistment requests. He could not succeed in acquiring a new porn star from the party so he was forced to accept the next best thing, the potential of a new straight friend whom he would always wish to be his new star.

I consumed beverages and the guests consumed massive amounts of liquor. I conversed with interesting people, told them of my wild craigslist adventures, and got a few business cards to continue communication at a later point. Extended communication has yet to occur though perhaps boredom will lead me to the dialing of a few numbers down the road. I got tipped out well and the host paid me in cash so I left there with a nice wad in my pocket. Too bad I was so drunk that I blew all my money at the strip club on the way home, just kidding.

I retired late and woke up late the next day to hit the gym again...chilled with an old friend from catering and await tomorrows unpredictable outcome.

Night. Night.

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