Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gotta Love Catering

So when modeling is slow catering takes over, I think any struggling model or model with slow work can relate. Tonight I worked an event at Bloomingdales where we served a few dishes, tastings rather with samples of various wines. There was a crew of 5 with one captain and each of the non captains were assigned 2 tables.

The evening was slowly paced and very manageable. At the conclusion of the sampling each guest was presented with a gift bag. The head chef who was answering questions with the owner of the wine company who provided the wine for sampling had provided $50 gift cards to his restaurant. Each guest received their bag and there was a plethora of surplus so we were given the OK to take a bag for ourselves.

Once we had cleaned up the entire area and put everything in its designated place and departed the desolate store. Three of us posted up outside and an additional two came out. A few lit their cigarettes and I waited patiently as the idea of using our gift cards to purchase drinks was presented. It was brilliant.

A classy, dimly lit, italian establishment cautiously allowed us entrance. We walked in and my two fellow employees allowed me to break the ice and see if the bartender would allow the gift card to permit us a few beverages. We were granted the privilege and proceeded to order the most expensive cocktails we could look up on the menu. Our fellow on the right had to depart due to an obligation to report to the lower east side for a DJ gig and had his cocktail and left us with a $10 bill for our tip. Myself and the other "partner" had two cocktails and conversed for about an hour.

Apparently I was working with a private military weapons trainer who learned his knife fighting skills in taiwan and turned that into a career training military personnel here in the states. He was also from the south where his ex navy seal father showed him a thing or two on weapons. We chatted mainly on fitness and I picked up some great new perspective to achieving my fitness goal. Balance Protein, Carbs, and good fats. Also when attempting to lose fat deduct your age from 220 and that is where you will burn the most fat. He said its not easy but even doing it for 10-15 seconds will get your body zapped in the right direction. Lastly, I ask him how to get the highly desired V. He said to hang from a pull up bar, lift your legs parallel to the ground, and do your pull ups.

I start my new training tomorrow before I attempt my most unique acting feat yet, more to come.

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